Regal Springs Indonesia and BRIN Strengthen Innovation in Controlling Tilapia Fish Diseases Through Research Collaboration


This publication is authored by and reflects the views and opinions of Regal Springs Indonesia (PT Aqua Farm Nusantara). More information about Regal Springs Indonesia is available at


Bogor, August 12, 2024 – Regal Springs Indonesia (PT Aqua Farm Nusantara) and the Veterinary Research Center - Health Research Organization - National Research and Innovation Agency (PRV BRIN) have signed a research and innovation cooperation agreement aimed at controlling Francisellosis* in tilapia farming. The agreement was signed by Harimurti Nuradji, DVM, Ph.D., Head of the Veterinary Research Center at BRIN, and Sony Sitorus, Director of Regal Springs Indonesia, at the Indraja Building, PRV-BRIN, Bogor.

Director of Regal Springs Indonesia, Sony Sitorus, expressed that Regal Springs Indonesia is greatly honored to establish a strategic partnership with PRV-BRIN. “This cooperation is not only a positive synergy but also a crucial step in realizing Regal Springs Indonesia’s vision to develop technology and innovation that can enhance the quality and sustainability of tilapia farming in Indonesia, as well as the sustainability of the ecosystems where we cultivate tilapia,” said Sony.

This collaboration will focus on the development of molecular detection methods for Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis to control Francisellosis in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) farming, as well as the development of screening methods for Master seed strains as vaccine candidates for Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis to manage this disease. In addition, the collaboration will include capacity building and knowledge sharing, as well as the joint utilization of infrastructure and facilities between the two parties.


The Head of the Veterinary Research Center at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Harimurti Nuradji, DVM, Ph.D., stated that this collaboration is a preliminary step toward opening up other collaborations.

"In addition, this partnership aims to enhance our capacity at PRV-BRIN, including knowledge, skills, and infrastructure development related to research and innovation in fish health," said Harimurti.

Furthermore, Harimurti added that this synergy is expected to impact both parties, as well as the broader community, nation, and country, particularly in the control of fish diseases (tilapia).

"In the future, we hope that the results of this collaboration will support the fisheries sector in increasing fish productivity, thereby positively impacting fish production and national foreign exchange," he expressed.

As additional information, Regal Springs Indonesia is currently implementing various efforts to diagnose and enhance the resilience of tilapia, ranging from clinical symptom observation, sample collection, laboratory testing, to analysis and reporting.

Drh. Juanda, Research & Development at Regal Springs Indonesia, explained that in the process of diagnosis and treatment, all steps taken must always consider the standards set by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

“We are committed to ensuring that every step we take in tilapia farming adheres to strict international standards to ensure fish health and environmental sustainability,” Juanda added.

This collaboration is expected to contribute significantly to the development of fish health technology and improve the competitiveness of Indonesia’s aquaculture industry in the global market.


*Francisellosis is a bacterial disease caused by an infection with the bacterium Francisella noatunensis, which can infect various fish species, including tilapia. This disease often leads to high mortality, especially in young fish or those under stress. The symptoms of francisellosis in Nile tilapia/tilapia vary depending on the severity of the infection and environmental conditions.


Further information, please contact:

Fitri Anggraini

Office +62 (021) 27823051

Communications Regal Springs Indonesia

Mobile +62 81382022732